Advancing the Integration of Real-World Evidence for Regulatory Decision-Making
What is FIORD?
The Center for Targeted Machine Learning and Causal Inference (CTML) is pleased to announce the second annual “Forum on the Integration of Observational and Randomized Data (FIORD)” workshop. The objective of FIORD is to advance statistical best practices for generating rigorous real-world evidence (RWE) in support of regulatory objectives. FIORD 2022 brought together academic and industry statisticians, clinicians, and regulators and built consensus on using The Causal Roadmap [1] to pre-specify robust statistical analysis plans for RWE generation. Output of the workshop included four jointly authored papers anchored on case studies [1–4]. Building on this momentum, FIORD 2023 will again convene an invited group of causal and statistical methodologists, including representatives from academia, regulatory agencies and industry. We will engage in an assessment of progress and challenges in this evolving landscape over the past year, and work together to build solutions to meet these challenges. Jointly authored papers will be a key output of the FIORD 2023 workshop.
We are excited to announce FIORD 2024 will take place November 7-8 at the Marriott Bethesda Downtown.