
Name Job title Role
Nilah Monnier Ioannidis Participating Faculty
Nir Yosef Participating Faculty
Perry de Valpine Participating Faculty
Maya Petersen, M.D. Ph.D. Professor of Biostatistics Faculty
Rachael Phillips, Ph.D. Senior Data Analyst Research Staff
Priya Pillai Graduate Student Researcher
Romain Pirracchio, M.D., MPH, Ph.D, FCCM Chief of Anesthesia Affiliates
Sky Qiu Graduate Student Researcher
Rachael Callcut, M.D., MSPH General Surgeon and Assistant Professor of Surgery/UCSF Advisory Committee
Rachael V Phillips Cohort 3: 2018-2019
Robert Schell Cohort 4: 2019-2020
Romain Neugebauer, Ph.D. ​Research Scientist/Kaiser Permanente Advisory Committee
Romain Pirrachio, M.D., Ph.D. Adjunct Associate Professor (Anesthesiology)/UCSF Advisory Committee
Sandrine Dudoit Participating Faculty
Alejandro Schuler, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Biostatistics Faculty
Joshua Schwab Research Programmer Research Staff
Sean Wu Ph.D. M.PH. Archived
Seraphina Shi Graduate Student Researcher
Solis Winters Cohort 5: 2020-2021
Steven Brenner Participating Faculty