Graduate Student Researcher

Sylvia Song


Sylvia Song is currently a Master’s student in Biostatistics at the University of California, Berkeley, mentored by Laura Balzer. Her research interests primarily lie in the application of machine learning techniques and causal inference strategies to address real-world health issues. She is currently working on characteristics and predictive factors of incident Tuberculosis infection among children and adolescents in rural Southwestern Uganda.

Nikolina Walas

Environmental Health Sciences

Nikolina Walas is currently a Ph.D. student in Environmental Health Sciences at the UC, Berkeley, School of Public Health, mentored by Jay Graham and Ben Arnold. Her research interests primarily lie in genomic drivers of antimicrobial resistance, serological surveillance of infectious disease, and immune development against enteric pathogens. Her recent work investigated the role of plasmids in antimicrobial resistance (AMR) gene transmission among clinically relevant E. coli in Alameda County, as well as the role of dogs in environmental AMR contamination and transmission.

Wenxin Zhang


Wenxin Zhang is a PhD student in Biostatistics at UC Berkeley, working with Prof. Mark van der Laan. His research interests lie in the intersection of causal inference, machine learning, and semi-parametric estimation. He is also interested in adaptive designs.