
Title Author Year Publication type
Targeted estimation and inference for the sample average treatment effect in trials with and without pair matching †Balzer, L; Petersen, M; van der Laan, M; the SEARCH Collaboration 2016 Journal Article
Causal Models and Learning from Data: Integrating Causal Modeling and Statistical Estimation in the Practice of Epidemiology Maya Petersen; Mark van der Laan 2015 Journal Article
Entering the era of data science: Targeted Learning and the Integration of Statistics and Computational Data Analysis M.J. van der Laan; R.J.C.M. Starmans 2014 Journal Article
Targeted learning of the mean outcome under an optimal dynamic treatment rule M. J. van der Laan; A. R. Luedtke 2014 Journal Article
Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Dynamic and Static Longitudinal Marginal Structural Working Models Petersen M, Schwab J, Gruber S, Blaser N, Schomaker M, van der Laan M. 2014 Journal Article
Effect of breastfeeding on gastrointestinal infection in infants: A targeted maximum likelihood approach for clustered longitudinal data M. E. Schnitzer; M. J. van der Laan; E. E. Moodie; R. W. Platt 2014 Journal Article
Causal models and learning from data: integrating causal modeling and statistical estimation Petersen ML, van der Laan MJ 2014 Journal Article
Causal Inference for a Population of Causally Connected Units M. J. van der Laan 2014 Journal Article
Targeted Learning in real-world comparative effectiveness research with time-varying interventions R. Neugebauer; J. Schmittdiel; M.J. van der Laan 2014 Journal Article
Targeted Minimum Loss-Based Estimation of Causal Effects in Right-Censored Survival Data with Time Dependent Covariates: Warfarin, Stroke, and Death in Atrial Fibrillation J. Brooks; M. J. van der Laan; D.E. Singer; A. S. Go 2013 Journal Article
Time-dependent prediction and evaluation of variable importance using superlearning in high-dimensional clinical data Hubbard, Alan; Munoz, Ivan Diaz; Decker, Anna; Holcomb, John B.; Schreiber, Martin A.; Bulger, Eileen M.; Brasel, Karen J.; Fox, Erin E.; del Junco, Deborah J.; Wade, Charles E.; others 2013 Journal Article
Targeted Minimum Loss Based Estimation of Marginal Structural Working Models M. Petersen; J. Schwab; S. Gruber; N. Blaser; M. Schomaker; M.J. van der Laan 2013 Journal Article
A General Implementation of TMLE for Longitudinal Data Applied to Causal Inference in Survival Analysis Ori M. Stitelman; Victor De Gruttola; Mark J. van der Laan 2012 Journal Article
Diagnosing and responding to violations in the positivity assumption Petersen ML, Porter KE, Gruber S, Wang Y, van der Laan MJ. 2012 Journal Article
Targeted Learning: Causal Inference for Observational and Experimental Data Sherri Rose; Mark van der Laan 2011 Book
Targeted Learning, Causal Inference for Observational and Experimental Data M.J. van der Laan; S. Rose 2011 Book
Direct effects and effect among the treated Hubbard AE; Jewell NP; van der Laan MJ 2011 Journal Article
To GEE or not to GEE: comparing population average and mixed models for estimating the associations between neighborhood risk factors and health Hubbard, A. E.; Ahern, J.; Fleischer, N. L.; Laan, M. V.; Lippman, S. A.; Jewell, N.; Bruckner, T.; Satariano, W. A. 2010 Journal Article
Targeted Maximum Likelihood Based Causal Inference Part I M.J. van der Laan 2010 Journal Article
Targeted Maximum Likelihood Based Causal Inference Part II M.J. van der Laan 2010 Journal Article
The Cross-validated Adaptive Epsilon-Net Estimator Mark J. van der Laan; Sandrine Dudoit; Aad W. van der Vaart 2009 Journal Article
A roadmap for estimating and interpreting population intervention parameters Ahern J, Hubbard A. 2009 Journal Article
Causal effect models for realistic individualized treatment and intention to treat rules van der Laan MJ, Petersen ML. 2009 Journal Article
Resampling Based Multiple Testing with Applications to Genomics S. Dudoit; M.J. van der Laan 2009 Book
Empirical Efficiency Maximization: Improved Locally Efficient Covariate Adjustment in Randomized Experiments and Survival Analysis D. Rubin; M.J. van der Laan 2008 Journal Article
Population intervention models in causal inference Hubbard, Alan E.; van der Laan, Mark J. 2008 Journal Article
Depressive symptoms in low-income women in rural Mexico Fleischer, Nancy L.; Fernald, Lia C.; Hubbard, Alan E. 2007 Journal Article
A Doubly Robust Censoring Unbiased Transformation Dan Rubin; Mark van der Laan 2007 Journal Article
Causal Effect Models for Realistic Individualized Treatment and Intention to Treat Rules M.J. van der Laan; Maya L. Petersen 2007 Journal Article
Targeted Maximum Likelihood Learning Mark van der Laan; Dan Rubin 2006 Journal Article
Quantile-function based null distribution in resampling based multiple testing van der Laan, Mark J.; Hubbard, Alan E. 2006 Journal Article
Oracle Inequalities for Multi-Fold Cross-Validation Aad W. van der Vaart; S. Dudoit; M.J. van der Laan 2006 Journal Article
Unified methods for Censored Longitudinal Data and Causality M.J. van der Laan; J.M. Robins 2003 Book
Mass extinctions as statistical phenomena: an examination of the evidence using chi-square tests and bootstrapping Hubbard, Alan E.; Gilinsky, Norman L. 1992 Journal Article