data challenge
This year’s ACIC data challenge, organized by the policy research organization, Mathematica, will open on Feb. 15. The organizers identified an error in the original data sets, and the deadline has now been extended to May 1. For more information and to sign up to the separate data challenge email list, see
A note from the ACIC data competition organizers:
Heads up to anyone who is working on the ACIC data competition: the organizers identified an error in the original datasets and have issued corrected datasets.
If you’re working on the competition, be sure to go and download the new data from here. You will need to redownload all the data files, and any estimates you submit should use only the new corrected data files. These datasets have the same structure, variables, causal assumptions, and estimands as the current datasets, so we hope the transition is as seamless as possible. You may notice some continuous variables have been rounded down to 3 decimal places; this is intentional to help keep the file sizes more manageable.
The deadline for submissions has also been extended to SundayMay 1, 2022, which will hopefully give you time to make any needed adjustments.
If you have any questions about the new datasets or anything else related to the competition you can reach out to the organizers at, and check out a list of Q&As on the FAQ page with some potentially helpful tidbits.